According to the Congressional Budget Office, research suggests that more than two-thirds of seniors over the age of 65 will need some type of assistance during the remaining years of their life to deal with a loss in their ability to function independently. Although the price of long-term care varies, estimates that it costs: $6,235 a month for a semi-private room in a nursing home facility$21 an hour for the assistance of a home health aide$3,293 a month for care in an … [Read more...]
About Illinois Business Formation part 3
How Does the Probate Process with a Will Differ from the Intestate Probate Process? If a decedent dies intestate (without a will), the property will be distributed to the beneficiaries according to state law. If there are no relatives, the property will go to the state. If minor children are impacted by the decedent’s death, a guardian ad litem will be appointed to determine guardianship issues. Additionally, intestate probate proceedings are public proceedings, with all information publicly … [Read more...]